Faith Quest

Faith Quest is a Christian retreat for youth 16-20 years of age, who desire to explore and deepen their relationship with God. Faith Quest is an opportunity to share and learn with others as we journey together on the road to a deeper spirituality and commitment to our personal Savior, Jesus Christ. Three basic themes will be explored during the weekend: Discovering Self, Discovering God and Discovering Our Relationship with Others.

Faith Quest Mission Statement

Our mission as the Faith Quest Team is to guide mature, Christian youth into a better understanding and deeper commitment to Jesus Christ.  We pray, that in this understanding and commitment, these youth will be better prepared and ready to serve the world and Christian community, through the example Jesus Christ set for us.

Youth (Trekker) Application: This is for youth ages 16-21 to fill out.

Sponsor Application: This application is to be filled out by the sponsor. ONE form per youth please. If you are sponsoring more than one youth, please fill out multiple applications.

Pastor Confirmation: This form needs to be filled out by Trekker’s pastor/youth pastor. It is the responsibility of Trekker to make sure the pastor knows it needs to be completed.

Team Application: This application is for anyone that has already attended a cursillo weekend and wishes to serve on team.  Your information will be passed on to the current Guide who will pray over the list before making calls.